
John Steiner is a networker, catalyst, creative consultant and occasional philanthropist - all with his wife and partner, Margo King. He has long been inspired by a Gregory Bateson phrase, “the pattern that connects” - bringing together people, projects, ideas, money and spirit around common themes.
He works with the DC based Convergence Center for Policy Resolution. He was a founding member and early leader of the Threshold Foundation (a.k.a. Donuts) and a founding member of the Social Venture Network. Steiner was also a founding board member of Search for Common Ground and was the board chair of CDR Associates. He worked closely with the Esalen Soviet American Exchange Project, the founders of Internews and Link TV and several international projects with William Ury. Working with Margo King, Mark Gerzon and the Mediators Foundation, on whose board he serves, Steiner is deeply engaged in helping to take the transpartisan (an operational label including bipartisan, cross partisan, post partisan non partisan, civic engagement, democracy strengthening , solutions oriented public policy, etc.) dynamic to scale.